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Partners of the law firm for their considerable experience in defense-law, have repeatedly and generally successfully represented and defended the interests of citizens, legal entities, former high-level civil servants, diplomats, representatives of business, banking and other sectors of the economy, including abroad in various bodies of the state administration, investigative and judicial bodies, which won the trust and appreciation of many citizens and business representatives. Thereby developing an impressive practice of protecting interests in priority areas of activity, including a number of cases on administrative law (public law relations, administrative offenses), as well as in construction, investment, sports, international logistics and other areas.
A system of principles and norms that regulates relations between subjects of international law. The subjects of international law are the participants in interstate relations. The main one is the state as the main subject of international law, and along with the state, the subjects can be international intergovernmental organizations, nations fighting for their independence in accordance with international law and state-like entities, including international organizations. International law covers a wide range of human rights protection (gender rights, the right to freedom of movement, protection from torture, etc.) and the lawyers of the firm, using the tools and algorithms of international legal protection of human rights, provide legal assistance in the prescribed manner, including business entities.
Commercial law (in some sources referred to as commercial or economic law) inherently covers a wide range of legal relations of legal entities (companies, holdings, enterprises, firms, representative offices and subsidiaries, branches) in various areas of business (entrepreneurial activity) starting from the opening legal entity, further continuing the legal support of its activities, the implementation and legal support of the acquisition, merger, separation, current activities, full control and adjustment of contractual activities both under import and export contracts, claims work, pre-trial settlement of disputes, participation in negotiations with future partners, due diligence of forthcoming contractual relations with third parties, representation of the rights and legitimate interests of companies, holdings and other business entities in pre-trial, economic, arbitration and other disputes (litigation stage), legal audit, expert pr advanced business research, preparation of legal opinions and much more.
criminal law, in which, within the framework of criminal legal protection, lawyers of our firm provide legal assistance to witnesses detained, suspected, accused (defendants), victims, civil plaintiffs and defendants in a criminal case at the stages of pre-investigation verification, preliminary investigation and trials of all instances with full studying all the circumstances of the case and using all the defense tools, including a lawyer's questioning and the so-called "lawyer's investigation" (if necessary and possible, within the framework of the current legislation).Criminal law protection in criminal cases is carried out by lawyers of our firm in various criminal cases, such as: crimes against life and health, against family, youth and morality, against the peace and security of mankind, against the foundations of the economy, in crimes related to illicit trafficking drugs and others.
The most active, rich and actively developing type of legal relations between its subjects, which is characterized by a huge number of aspects of legal regulation in the field of media, the activities of IT companies, the activities of crypto-exchanges, business in the digital space and much more. Given this most relevant area of legal relations in our time of digital technologies, the lawyers of our firm, keeping up with the times, provide qualified and comprehensive legal assistance in this industry.
One of the most fundamental branches of law, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of owners of property rights (copyright, right to a trademark / logo /, name and place of origin of goods, right to invention, patent law, etc.) which will exclude its theft, and in case of violation of rights after their registration, it will warn or help recover lost profits and, which is not unimportant, the image of the owner of intellectual rights.Our team is actively involved in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of intellectual property rights holders and provides them with comprehensive protection and restoration of violated rights within the framework of current legislation and international law.
The broadest, rather rich and therefore most demanded branch of legal relations is civil law. The range of legal relations is as wide as: inheritance law, property law, obligation law, tangible and intangible benefits, collateral, rental, leasing relations, credit relations, transport services, franchises and many others.Our team also provides full and comprehensive qualified legal assistance in civil disputes between individuals and legal entities.
One of the most vulnerable (in the legal sense) segments of the population are migrants (settlers). A very important aspect of protecting the rights of this category of citizens is proper, timely and qualified legal assistance to those who are migrants and members of their families (internal and external migrants, emigrants and immigrants, expats, expatriates, repatriates, tourists and others) which is provided by the lawyers of our team taking into account the provisions of the International Convention "On the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families", other norms of international law and the current legislation of the host country.
A comprehensive branch of law in the international legal classification, in fact, it broadly covers the areas of legal protection of human rights given here and is most focused on international legal regimes, and as a result is divided into various sub-branches, such as: gender law, the rights of the child, the rights of persons with disabilities, the rights of prisoners (convicts), protection of the rights of persons from torture, and many others.The lawyers of our team actively and progressively use the instruments of international legal protection of human rights in one aspect or another, if there are legal grounds, if necessary, and based on each specific situation.
Gender rights or the rights of groups by gender (the rights of women or men, non-binary subjects) is one of the most important human rights and, in fact, a sub-sector that is narrowly focused on the rights of women or men in the international and / or national legal field and constitutes a legal regime providing and regulating gender equality (gender egalitarianism) as the basis of peace and harmony in relation to the sexes and building strong family and civil relations.The lawyers of our team provide qualified and legal assistance in protecting gender rights, regardless of gender, self-identification in gender classification (genderqueer).
The most important sub-sector of human rights, regulated by conventional law and the national legislation of many states, aimed at establishing legal regimes for the protection of childhood and youth - as subjects of full-fledged rights, such as the rights of property, choice, self-determination and a number of other rights inherent in minors, as full-fledged subjects of legal relations with the corresponding legal features inherent in them.The lawyers of our team also have considerable experience in the qualified and successful protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the rights of the child in various branches of law (criminal, administrative, civil and others).
The most sensitive and therefore important legal branch, the subject of which is the regulation of legal relations between the employer and the employee and includes many such important legal aspects as: the establishment and termination of labor relations, the payment of wages, the provision of labor and other holidays, the collective protection of rights at work , compensation and others.The lawyers of our team are high professionals and bearers of vast experience in the qualified protection of the labor rights of citizens, as well as in defending the legitimate interests of the employer.
Regardless of the scale and volume of business activity, each of its subjects (entrepreneurial entity) is somehow a small enterprise, an individual entrepreneur, a large company, a holding, a group of companies, a foreign enterprise, a subsidiary, a representative office or others in the areas of production or provision of services, those who carry out activities offline or online (electronic commerce) in the investment field or many others sooner or later face the need to receive full-fledged legal assistance. And the level of image and property (financial) losses depends on the timeliness of applying for it, and sometimes the prevention of the "death of business", including the loss of the right of ownership underlying the business.Our team, in a well-coordinated and intuitively flexible approach, constantly, professionally, comprehensively and fully provides legal assistance in ensuring legal security for business entities on a long-term basis.
One of the most popular areas of legal relations at the present time, due to the rapidly developing relations for building business strategies and business projects with the participation of foreign capital and external borrowing.An important aspect when investing in a particular type of business activity (business project) is a detailed legal study and legal protection of investments, repatriation of profits, obtaining timely and full income, assessing financial risks from the position of legal regulation, assessing the reliability of future partners.Our team has long and successfully fully provided, qualified and reliably carried out a comprehensive protection of the rights of investors both at the stage of entering a business activity, and at the stage of generating business ideas.
The banking sector is the sphere of financial legal relations between the bank and its client, one of those that deserves careful attention to all aspects of the established legal relations between its subjects (the bank and the bank's client).After all, as you know, “money loves an account”, and where relationships are built on financial foundations, it is necessary to understand that the exact study of contractual and other documents, conditions, terms, interest, revision of conditions and dispute resolution, the procedure and other conditions for providing “credit holidays ”, debt restructuring and others is the basis for successfully avoiding problems between participants in banking relations.The lawyers of our team have accumulated and successful experience in the qualified defense of the rights and legitimate interests in interbank activities, in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of bank customers with the least reputational and other losses for all parties.
One of the most important values for every person is his life and health. To preserve these values in the vast majority of countries there is a healthcare system aimed at preserving and increasing these most important human values. Accordingly, legal relations arise between the patient (future patient) and the entity providing medical services (medical organization, attending physician, etc.). In such legal relations, conflicts often arise between its subjects, which sometimes result in more serious consequences for all parties to such a conflict and, as a result, cause versatile damage both additional for health and for personal and business reputation, and sometimes sadly lead to a detailed outcome of the patient. .The lawyers of our team are always on guard for a qualified, well-developed and coordinated with medical specialists streamlining legal relations in the field of health protection, taking into account the interests of health, life safety, based on international and national law.
Rare in application, but nevertheless an important branch of legal relations as sports law. This industry is fraught with many legal relations between an athlete, a sports team, a federation or an association in which, as a rule, daily legal regulation of legal relations between their participants is necessary for the implementation of daily activities, as well as the resolution of disputes over disqualification, doping or other control, legal regulation of competitive events, sports fees and other aspects of sports activities.The lawyers of our team, having themselves gone through a number of the above aspects in their time, due to the fact that they are active participants in the physical and sports environment, are always ready to provide qualified, full-fledged and comprehensive legal assistance on a long-term basis to all representatives of the sports world, including in the field of sports medicine.
Our team always tries to provide qualified, full-fledged and comprehensive legal assistance in disciplinary proceedings, at all stages of pre-trial, investigative and trial proceedings, as we receive requests.This area of activity is important, since we believe that one of the most vulnerable and unprotected categories of activity, subject to vulnerability and requiring solidarity protection for a number of important reasons, is one of the targets of our team.
The team of the law firm “Acceptus”, actively and vigorously developing together with the surrounding marine and regional economy and being involved in creative business projects in various fields, including crowdfunding activities, provides a full range of legal support for the launch and development of start-ups and business accelerations in Uzbekistan , in neighboring countries and abroad in compliance with national laws and international legal norms to contribute to the development of successful business and economic development in various sectors.
The team of the law firm "Acceptus", being an ardent apologist and follower of maintaining a clean environment and ecological balance, as well as a supporter of the use of renewable energy sources and safe energy in industry, including the standardized activity of crypto-relations between its subjects, provides legal support and protection of all types of activities carried out on a legal basis and associated with the "green" economy, the launch of renewable energy facilities and the activities of crypto-exchanges, virtual offices of companies, thereby keeping up with the times with their successful, developed and developing clients and their partners.
100017, Tashkent, Yunusabad district, C-4, 1 A
Working hours from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 (except Saturday, Sunday and holidays). If you are not answered, they will definitely call you back (when calling an answering machine or mobile phone)
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