+998 71 209-11-67
+998 88 185-9-185
Пн-пт с 9-00 по 18-00
Law firm "Acceptus" (Briefly. Protected. Reliable. Wisely) was founded by merging partners of such old and experienced law firms of the city of Tashkent as "Reliable lawyer" and "Strateg", formed in 2008 and is a sublimation of a huge and multifaceted experience in various branches of law, in particular in information law, legal support for the entire range of legal relations of legal entities with their partners, counterparties and regulatory and supervisory authorities, as well as providing legal assistance in the creation, liquidation, re-registration, absorption, merger and separation of legal entities, opening and registration of branches of foreign missions and investment support for business relations in Uzbekistan with foreign partners, and in some cases in such areas of law as civil, administrative, family law, legal protection against torture, protection of the professional rights of lawyers in disciplinary and criminal proceedings, compliance (compliance e), as well as the so-called. due diligence, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), support for large business projects and protection of the legitimate corporate interests of large manufacturing and trading enterprises, comprehensive legal support for activities in the field of renewable energy and litigation.
In their activities, the law firm (its lawyers) are guided and base their activities solely on the norms of international law, the Constitution and the current legislation of Uzbekistan, sacredly and strictly honor the Oath of the lawyer and the Rules of Professional Ethics of Lawyers and, of course, lawyer secrecy. Each lawyer of the firm is a high a specialist with vast experience in advocacy, having no higher education, constantly undergoing professional development and tirelessly, daily working on himself, being a permanent or associate member and / or expert in a number of such authoritative and specialized international organizations as: AEA-EAL (European Association of Lawyers), AEA (International lawyers network), МС(С)А (International Union (commonwealth) of Advocates), Justinian Lawyers, WJP (World Justice Project), and were also employees (leading specialist, specialist in international issues, head of the department protect the professional rights of lawyers. members of various commissions) of management bodies (commissions and departments) of the Chamber of Advocates (part-time or on a general basis) and constantly take part in various legal events (round tables, conferences, seminars) on legal topics both on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad , including at meetings in UN committees and other specialized international organizations, as well as actively studying and practicing dispute resolution through mediation.
Each lawyer of the Acceptus team has a wealth of professional experience behind him, including continuous experience of participating in rule-making, publishing scientific and practical articles and books (manuals), legal guidance manuals, as well as active participation in legal awareness raising events and the legal culture of the population of the country, including among young students. Without exception, each lawyer of our firm is a bearer of vast life experience, an exemplary family man or housewife who values and cherishes family values and embodies the position of a strong socially active citizen. The firm "Acceptus" has absorbed the best traditions of the legal profession of Uzbekistan and the world experience in advocacy, and thus united into one strong team aimed at its further strengthening and expansion, formed a strong, worthy and qualified lawyer backbone, making every effort within the framework of the current law and international standards in issues of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities.
One of the most important priorities in the provision of legal assistance by the firm's lawyers is the resolution of emerging problems and disputes in the legal relations of the parties in a pre-trial order, by concluding a settlement agreement and in other low-cost ways, within the framework of the current legislation with unconditional total observance of attorney-client privilege and a strong ethical policy in activities firms. Within the framework of international activities, the lawyers of the firm actively and repeatedly cooperated and communicated with the NGO "Regional dialogue", UNDP, ICJ, OHCHR, UNICEF, OMCT and other international organizations, the diplomatic corps, including several times on working visits to such countries as Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, USA, Tajikistan, Switzerland for professional activities, in order to exchange experience, gain new knowledge and skills, including in the system of the global network to combat torture and protect human rights, as well as protect women's rights and the rights of the child. The lawyers of the firm are the so-called "court ebniks" and on a permanent partnership basis cooperate with a number of consulting firms and specialized organizations operating in the field of jurisprudence both on the territory of Uzbekistan and abroad. The logo and name of the company personify high intelligence, calmness, wisdom, acceptance of us and acceptability translations of the name from Latin), silence and measuredness. Briefly's motto. protected. Reliable. Wisely means efficiency, security, reliability, wisdom.
100017, Tashkent, Yunusabad district, C-4, 1 A
Working hours from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 (except Saturday, Sunday and holidays). If you are not answered, they will definitely call you back (when calling an answering machine or mobile phone)
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